Technology’s Impact on Advertising in 2018

While there is a lot of buzz surrounding the evolution of technology and its impacts on digital marketing and advertising, there are several positive impacts on the horizon. In 2018, cutting-edge technologies will finally reach maturity quickly, finding their place within our daily tasks, increasing efficiency and improving the safety of our brands. Here are just a few ways we see technology influencing advertising in 2018.

AI will expand our roles and guard our brands

Artificial Intelligence is not new to the game. For advertising in 2018, we can expect to truly see how it can function as complementary tool to our existing capabilities. While we often see the hotly debated ‘human versus machine’ argument, pg slot it’s important to understand that both sides have their advantages and disadvantages. As AI technology becomes more sophisticated, digital marketing and advertising roles will evolve to be more technology-leaning and supplement each other’s necessities. AI workhorses will handle data and tackle tedious tasks, allowing advertisers to refine their strategies and learn how to use various AI algorithms to target more efficiently.

This type of efficient refinement will also improve brand safety. Previously, there have been many limitations to ensuring brand safety and analyzing published content, but as AI gets “smarter” so will its ability to identify and mark unsafe content and deliver ads in a brand-safe environment.

Data complexities will diminish

Deep neural networks, the type of AI that powers voice search, will become more accessible to a wider audience thanks to the emerging ease in which it can be integrated into programmatic ecosystems. Google and Apple have invested so much into the development of different deep neural networks making them a necessary commonplace.

This technology not only enables more efficient record-keeping, but neural networks also consider recency, accuracy and draw more human-like conclusions from massive amounts of data. These changes in the way we manage data will allow us to focus  pg slot more on developing strategies structured around deep neural networks. Optimizing for voice search is just the beginning, imagine strategizing creative and content pieces to integrate with voice search and another emerging technologies.

Blockchain will aid advertising

It’s not just one of the hottest buzz word of 2018, Blockchain will allow ad revenues and budgets to be tracked in more efficient and decentralized manner. From billing to bidding, blockchain solutions will allow digital-marketers to ensure more transparency and efficiency in the way transactions are conducted. Online marketplaces built on blockchain promise increased sales due to the confidence pg slot  that the technology provides and in turn increase ROI. As consumer behaviors continue to drive changes in search and digital, more brands will continue to express a desire to incorporate emerging technologies such as AI and Blockchain.

Agency Entourage thrives on innovation, with our capabilities in product innovation and our AE Labs, we can help your business stay at the forefront of these emerging technologies for advertising in 2018, contact us or email us today to take your first step into 2018!

Image from Thinkstock by Getty Images. Item Number 859761634.

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