Top 3 Ways To Optimize for Voice Search

Not long ago, we discussed how voice search is predicted to be the future of marketing and what elements are needed to optimize for voice search, but one question still remains, how exactly do you optimize? While we discussed how answer boxes, organic search and being mobile friendly help to optimize for voice search, this blog will dive deeper into exactly how to use those elements.

Box Up Your Answers with Answer Boxes

Like Google, voice search loves answer boxes, and you should too. There are three types of answer boxes including paragraph, table and list formats. While table and list formats are great, paragraph snippets have shown to be most common, showing up in 82 percent of featured snippet results, so let’s start there.

For paragraph answers, ask a relevant question in your H2 tag and in the paragraph directly under it, provide the answer. For lists, use the question you wish to answer for your H2 tag then follow with a properly formatted list. For tables, you can follow this same format, using the table header as the question and following up with the answer within the table. Be sure that the code is being properly used in your page for each of these elements.

Lengthen Your SEO Tails

While a popular SEO strategy for text-based searches is to use blocks of one to three words, voice search thrives on being conversational, meaning that you want to shift to long-tailed keywords, even going so far as using full sentences.By incorporating long tailed keywords into your content where it is appropriate, you can optimize for voice search. As SEO experts, we at Agency Entourage can help you identify long tailed keywords to incorporate into your SEO strategy.

Mobile First, All Day Everyday

The first thing to consider is building your site with mobile in mind. There are many CMS platforms out there that allow you to do just that. If your site has already been built, test to see how mobile friendly it is with Google’s Mobile Friendly Test. Make sure buttons are clickable, navigation is easy and page load speeds are under 3 seconds.

Still intrigued by what voice search has in store for the future? If you’re interested, Agency Entourage is happy to help you optimize for this search trend. Get in touch with us via email at or by phone at 214.414.3035.

Of course, you can always use our live chat to directly get in touch with our experts now!

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