Create Social Media Content Your Audience Will Want to Follow

With all the great social media content out there, it can be really easy to reshare relevant social media content with your audience on your brand social media platforms. However, simply sticking to sharing and reposting content from other user and brand accounts isn’t the best strategy to gain new followers and entertain your current ones – producing original content is.

That’s why the social media content creators here at Agency Entourage are going to give you a couple of pointers on how to produce stellar original content that inspire your social audiences to fall in love with your brand for the first time or all over again.

Tell a Story

By no means do you need to have the next great American novel written out in 140 characters or less, but telling your brand story on your social accounts is crucial if you want your audience to become invested in your business. Rather than just sharing information and relevant content, tell a story and give personal insights that resonate with your audience.

Along with telling a story, you should also make sure that you’re not just pushing quality content but also lot of it. Agency Entourage can help you do just that!

Pair Stories with Visuals

It isn’t enough to write a compelling story – you need to pair it with an equally compelling visual that will draw your audience in while they are scrolling through their newsfeeds. What better way to do that than with a video! Agency Entourage helps pair your brand’s unique content by turning the blogs we write for you into compelling video stories, which make for entertaining social content that audiences are more likely to engage with.

Ready to start having original social media content your audience will enjoy? Start garnering serious traffic and audience interaction on your social media channels by contacting Agency Entourage today!

Image from Thinkstock by Getty Images. Item number: 626639388

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