Case Study: Generate an Instagram Following

Generate an Instagram Following

It’s no surprise Instagram is a powerful tool for businesses. With over 700 million monthly active and accessible users, Instagram serves as the perfect platform to reach consumers, especially for small businesses. In case you missed our recent blog on how to grow your Instagram for small businesses we decided to build upon it using an AE Celebrity’s Instagram to show you how quickly you can increase your Instagram following.

The Problem

@Silence_of_the_Lambchops aka Lila the Little Bon Fre Fre has been an active Instagram user for the last two years, but her account following had grown stagnant despite posting on relatively consistent basis. With our social media experience, we applied the latest and greatest to tackle this issue.

The Solution

Community Building
We actively and organically responded to user comments and messages in a timely manner.

Follow with a Purpose
Followers were chosen strategically based on their followers, content and location. For example, we targeted dog and dog-centric accounts in the DFW area as well as Australian dog accounts as Lila is an Australian Kelpie.

Consistent and Optimal Posting
On average, instagram users post once a day, which we incorporated for Lila’s account. We posted after 6pm because that’s when she typically received the most engagement on her account.

Use Those Hashtags
Research has shown that interactions are highest on Instagram with 11 or more hashtags so we created our own hashtag blend to increase Lila’s brand awareness, using hashtags such as #wheremylambchopsat and #dogsofdallas.

Post Great Digital Content
Promoting relevant and engaging content, we shared posts about Lila’s experience during national take my dog to work day.

The Results

In three weeks time, we increased Lila’s following by 8%, an increase from the 2% gain her account was used to on average for the past 6 months. Not bad for a dog’s personal instagram account right?

Whether you want to make your dog an insta star or need assistance managing your social presence, our team of social experts are here to help engage your customers and increase your Instagram following. Give us a call at (214) 414-3035 or email us at to start maximizing your brand on social.

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