Will Private Collections Change Instagram?

Instagram has had quite the evolution in the digital world over the last couple of years. From launching ‘Instagram Ads’ to ‘Stories,’ the social media platform has morphed into some sort of social media Facebook, Snapchat hybrid. This week, Instagram launches private collections that mimic Pinterest-like features. So what is this new feature, and how is it beneficial to marketers?

Let’s explore.

Instagram Launches Private Collections

Since the December launch of the ‘Bookmark’ feature, Instagram reports that 46 percent of users have saved at least one post. A mere 4 months later, Instagram is on a bid to retain their 600 million monthly users through adding a new feature – Private Collections. where users can add and organize their saved posts. As a user scrolls through their Instagram feed, they simply tap and hold the bookmark icon and add it to a collection. Users are also able to create a collection and view all.

Image via Instagram 

Image via Instagram


Capitalizing on the new Bookmark feature is very attractive and engaging user experience, but r what advantages does it present to marketers?

As a brand, this is only good new news for both retention and awareness. If brand fans and audiences like what they see, they can save it and revisit. Private collections and bookmarking demonstrate new ways consumers can engage with brands and how influencers become influential.

This latest Instagram feature demands engaging content so that fans want to save them for a later date. Private Collections is a simple tool and, if used well, brands have a tool for to capture and retain them their fans.

If you and your brand are ready to explore Instagram and how it can help, contact Agency Entourage today on (214) 414-3035

Photo Source: [Blackzheep] [496544534] Thinkstock

Ben Randolph:
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